This is my last post for the next 18 months. This picture represents me heading off to the big Ohio! Watch out Cleveland...here I come! I just want to thank all of you that have been a support to me about my decision to go on this mission. Sometimes I wonder why the heck I am doing this but I am always reminded that I am not my own, I am the Lord's. I want to do His will so that is why I will be sacrificing 18 months of my earthly life to serve His children on this earth. I love all of you and will miss you terribly. Please write so I can keep in contact with you. Thank you again! Until then, Sister Harmon
Good luck Abbey, we will pray for you!
I am going to miss you more than you will ever know. You are the best. You are going to be the best missionary ever. I am so proud of you. Write me a ton, and send me pictures to put on your blog.
good luck abs. whats your address so i can write you?
Oh abbs, you are going to have a great time. There have been a few times in my life where I lie awake at night crying because I miss my mission so much and want to be there again so bad. Last night was one of those nights. I was reading in 2 nephi 29 (I think) about how the savior was baptized and how we all need to be baptized. This was a chapter we shared with so many family's and it just took me back to the mission. I miss the smells, the streets, the houses and most of all the people. Everytime i read a chapter that is familiar to me in the book of mormon, I can just see so clearly that family we were teaching it to. I miss them so much. The hardest part will be coming home. When you are home, times get tough, and you honestly wish that the Lord can just send you back if only for a moment. That's what I wished and prayed for last night, and he filled my mind with such sweet memories that I had almost forgotten. That is how he will take you back. Be so so obedient to every rule and work so so hard and you will have no regrets and you will love your mission. And just like you said in your post YOU are the LORDS, not YOUR own...always remember that. That is what humbled me enough to go on a mission. Always remembering that. ALways. You will do awesome and you will love it. It will be hard but so worth it. And when you come home, you will wish that somehow, someway, you would be called back on a mission. So enjoy it. I wish it were me going instead, but you will do awesome. We will write you!
We'll miss you Ab! We'll make sure to write and wish you all the best on this most wonderful experience I know awaits you!
Would you come home already. We are all missing ya! Jk, but really.....
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